WOS INC 2015

11 September 2015 - 13 September 2015

WOSINC is a yearly happening that defends a broad view of alternative and avant-garde culture. Music may be its main driving force, but its aim is clearly multidisciplinary, promoting—from an intimate context—the search and dissemination of new cultural proposals.
Music, visual arts, performing arts, colloquiums, conferences, and cuisine come together from 11th to 13th September in ten symbolic settings in Santiago de Compostela.
WOSINC is an initiative by the production company from Santiago, Work on Sunday, in collaboration with different Galician agents. It receives support from the City Council of Santiago de Compostela, the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (CGAC), the Foundation Eugenio Granell, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the Mercado de Abastos (fresh produce market), the Foundation SGAE, Salón Teatro and NUMAX.

More info, WOSINC



Friday, 11th September

1:00 pm How to apply data to your events [free access]

Everyone talks about data today, but what data interest you and how can it help you share your events? This introduction to the world of data helps gather relevant information on audiences and their habits. In new generation businesses, intuition is no longer enough. Big Data provides the necessary boost to take that step. Raúl Ruiz, from Ticketscript, expert in web analysis, is the speaker chosen for this conference.

4:00 pm Group necessity [ticket required]

‘We need poets, we need painters,’ sang the historical The Ex in their theme ‘Listen to the Painters’ (from the album Turn, Touch&Go Records, 2004). Conducted by the journalist and culture manager David Bizarro, the musicians Francisco Contreras (Niño de Elche) and Xavier Castroviejo, together with the actress Sonia Barba and the documentary maker Carlos Lapeña will participate in a colloquium sponsored by the journalist, critic and musician Luis Boullosa. The speakers will discuss how socio-political factors affect inspiration and the creative process that surrounds music and art.

Saturday, 12th September

1:00 pm Out of love for art. From passion to profession [free access]

Four independent promoters debate and analyse the different views and scenes that their work revolves around, as well as the key points that turn a personal initiative into a group project and a passion into a professional enterprise. The journalist Fernando Rego will lead a colloquium, accompanied by Edu García (Giradiscos), Joaquim Durães (Lovers & Lollypops), Julio Gómez (Sinsalaudio) and Pablo Fernández (Discos Humeantes).

4:00 pm I'm talking to you [ticket required]

I'm talking to you is an open dialogue about the possibilities of a new feminine language arising out of illustration, photography, literature, humour, and DIY. Four artists and activists—Anastasia Bengoechea (Monstruo Espagueti), Nieves Limón (Género y Figura), Alexandra Lores (Fanzine CONA) and Judith Cerqueiro (Adataberna)—along with the journalist Lara Tigre, will participate in a debate on new forms of expression through art, social networks and self-management.