
The CGAC's Activities and Pedagogical Department develops its programme with a primary goal: to bring art to society through the rigorous analysis of critical issues inherent in contemporary artistic activity.

Film seasons and conferences, workshops, seminars and concerts, make up the centre’s fundamental offer of activities, aiming to involve a wide range of audiences from the professional sector of the world of art and culture to an increasingly larger group of artists and fine art and history students, not to mention all those interested in the evolution of art and aesthetic reflection.

At the same time, the CGAC develops specific programmes for schools and colleges as well as guided tours, with the purpose of providing the various groups who come to the museum with the necessary tools to understand contemporary art and, from there, the world we live in.

If you would like to receive information on CGAC activities, you can request it by sending a message to the following email addresses:

The number of seats available for the museum´s activities are subject to change as a result of potential changes in Covid-19 regulations.

2 May 2024
6:30 pm

An extensive and thorough look at the work of Antón Lamazares through his artistic production and his vital odyssey. A journey in time through works born of labour and commitment to the unique practice of wanting to show.

29 November 2023 - 30 November 2023

O esforzo dedicado polos museos de arte contemporánea á construción e presentación das súas coleccións converteuse nunha prioridade e nun eixe discursivo fundamental dos debates artísticos.

20 April 2023
18:00 h

Guerrilla Girls in Venice is the title of the talk Rosa Martínez shall give in the CGAC to mark the exhibition hosted by the centre since March. Her speech will be about the participation of the Guerrilla Girls collective in the exhibition Always a Little Further curated by Rosa Martínez in the Arsenale di Venezia as part of the 51st International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia.

30 November 2022 - 3 December 2022
from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

The decades of the nineteen-fifties and sixties were the golden age for photography associations within which all non-professional photographic activity was carried out.

25 November 2022

A Real Academia Galega de Belas Artes dedica o Día das Artes Galegas, 1 de abril de 2022, á figura do artista José Otero Abeledo, coñecido como Laxeiro.

29 April 2022
6.00 p.m.

Nodes and Visions. How do You Imagine the End? reviews some essential points of the work of the Asturian choreographer and visual artist Olga Mesa. In dialogue with Nekane Aramburu, both will discuss ideas and images related to creative practice and theory of art.

30 September 2021 - 2 October 2021

O congreso está organizado pola Universidade de Vigo e conta coa colaboración do Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea (CGAC).

O obxectivo fundamental do congreso centrarase na análise e reflexión sobre os novos comportamentos da arte de acción, tanto desde a práctica como desde a reflexión teórica.


4 June 2021 - 5 June 2021

Nos primeiros anos cincuenta do século pasado, Miguel Delibes referíase a Camilo José Cela como “un gran escritor sen xénero, un artífice da prosa, que traballa a palabra e o estilo cun primor ao que en España non estabamos afeitos”.

3 August 2020

Due to the COVID19 crisis, the fifth edition of Fugas e Interfencias will not be held either on site or online. Instead, we are going to focus all our efforts on a compilation of selected articles that will be published as minutes with an ISBN provided by the University of Vigo.